Evaporative air conditioning for animals

Evaporative air conditioning for animals

Evaporative air conditioning for animals

Evaporative air conditioning for animals

Evaporative air conditioning in zoo

Cool animals and stables for a few cents a day
Cool feeding areas, barns, stables, production areas, etc, for just a fraction of what it would cost traditional cooling system.
Create a tunnel ventilation to cool barns and enclosed areas.
Opera with a little water and 220v. electricity.
Environmentally friendly, emits no harmful fluorocarbons.  38″ model  cooling an area of 246m2.
48″ model cools approximately 325m2. Use the outdoor facilities during hot summer months without compromising animal health.
Increases milk production of cows. *
Evaporative cooling is the only commercially available cooling that actually decreases the actual THI (temperature-index humidity) **
* According to studies by Dept. of Animal Sciences, Kansas State Univ.
** Journal of Dairy Science, 86 2003 Published
If you would like more information about our products or how to become a sub-distributor,. ‘s Port-A-Cool products are sold through a network of sub-distributors.we is always interested in finding distributors who know the effectiveness product port-a-cool evapoative  air coolers.